Philosophical question: Do you think religious people could ever get behind a statement like this? The world would be a much better place if they did.
@Ballantyne Yep, pretty much everything about these beliefs falls apart at the slightest application of logic. I'd wish for mankind to finally leave childhood (aka religions) behind, and to begin to treat each other well, without any of the hocuspocus we've loved for millennia.
@FighttheFluff Christianity is painfully empty and shallow, it has zero answers when you start to dig. And when there's no answers, you're simply told to believe. As a result, one's religion becomes a vessel for one's ego, aka "mine is better than yours." Which isn't spiritual at all.
@Paradise7D Why do we all believe a divine being cares about individuals? Does a child with an ant farm care about the individual ant? We are a society and we succeed or fail based on how we treat each other rather than if a make believe sky daddy likes us.