A couple interesting #SpaceNews items today.
James Webb Space Telescope just found an asteroid by total accident
Astronomers discover 12 new moons around Jupiter
🤣 I recognize the Monty Python reference. Well done!
@dratino How right you are!
Also made meatloaf tonight, but I tried a ground beef-pork-veal mix for the first time. It was amazing!
Love the Stooges! I've been a fan since childhood.
My wife, who is Irish, said that it presented a very realistic portrayal of Irish culture. I thought it was interesting on many levels.
@see_the_sus hope you can go that route soon. Neurosurgeons have several tools in their toolbox besides surgery.
Sounds like a good day!
Our local groundhog, Sir Walter Wally, retired last year, so I have no idea how much more winter there is.
@PamsMyth, necessarily in that order?
Ugh! That's the worst. Hope all turns out well.
Whoa. That sounds pretty good. Looks like the pharmacist needs to essentially do a clinical assessment and review of medical records first. I wonder if some sort of malpractice insurance or legal protection would be needed.
Lol! Be sure to do something nice for Future Kurt.
@BlueStateBabe, Indeed! I wasn't aware the Selina could act so well. Love her character.
@Finkle, yes, I know what you mean. But the ensemble works so well, especially with the amount of talent and experience.
Good night, Princess and Vlad. Pleasant dreams!
Glad to hear that Vlad is in good health! 🚗🩺
Retired family doctor,: living the dream, learning to abide. I enjoy cooking, music, computers, technology, politics, and just having free time.