People's minds are changing about . Acceptance is now mainstream.

But there is precious little self-awareness accompanying these changing minds.

There is limited concern for all the powerful people and organisations who have been manufacturing denial for decades. There will be no reprisals. No comeuppance. No consequences.

On one hand, we cannot afford to waste any time or energy wishing it was different.

On the other, we need to recognise that this change isn't that deep.



People with money and power will have to get behind it for there to be any kind of substantial progress. We'd love to put solar panels on our home and install new windows to make it more energy efficient, but finances disagree. Even a 25% rebate on solar panels doesn't matter if you don't have any money.

@Oma_Trisha There are 1,000s of innovations at our doorstep.

There are amazing developments not yet in public view. The cost of solar technology is going to nose-dive off a cliff. (We're facing the same problem that has happened with all technological races: prices are falling so fast that every investor is skittish. Uncertainty affects the whole industry right now.)

This is good news.

And yet without deep change, we're just solving a fragment of the , and the rest of it remains.

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