@Oma_Trisha Dammit, I'm getting old, I guess. I think music like this is so superior to current music.

@BillieBun It was original back then. What we hear today is mostly echoes.

@Oma_Trisha You said it plain, right here! Echos, copies, tributes....

@BillieBun You can't tell me creativity is dead. We have lots of creative people. I don't know if they do this because they think it's easier to copy what someone else did or what......it's disappointing.

@Oma_Trisha Or, I suppose, because only artists that will make money for the corps are put out for public consumption...

@Oma_Trisha Those last two artists/songs you just posted.... I've never listened to. Like I said, I'm getting old. I probably should "get out more"...


I'm trying not to limit myself to artists I know. It's hard because our music is so comfortable....but change can be good.

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