My 78 y.o. mother is sitting here listening to the very first broadcast of "The Lawrence Welk Show" on PBS and I'm over here with my earbuds jamming to
Thirty Seconds to Mars
When the idea of personal or national freedom is taught and/or practiced as a freestanding/independent concept — without empathy, ethics, and social contract guiding us — it's destructive. In such an isolated context, 'freedom' is an adolescent male fantasy, full of braggadocio, false bravado, shirking of responsibility, and ego run amok.
Russia Reactivates Its Trolls and Bots Ahead of Tuesday’s Midterms
Researchers have identified a series of Russian information operations to influence American elections and, perhaps, erode support for Ukraine.
CounterSocial doesn't track its users, but even better than that - we don't let 3rd parties track you either. All outbound links are automagically sanitized to remove any embedded tracking parameters.
The FEC let a US company that was quietly bankrolled by Russian oligarchs off with a slap on the wrist despite discovering that it had illegally funneled Russian funds to US political candidates in the 2018 midterm elections.
If CounterSocial has a leftist bent, it's because much of what passes for conservative thinking these days violates our rules around community abuse. #CoSoRocks
Gonna pin this on my profile for the foreseeable future.
There are two hashtags for ex-bird shite people looking for others: #TwitterMigrant and #TwitterRefugees. Share this with your pals on Twitter.
When Twitter and Facebook first arrived, they wanted to make EVERYONE a user.
CounterSocial is far more discerning. There's a lot of people we DON'T want as users.
We're self-selecting for awesomeosity here. #CoSoRocks
I'm new here and, like many of you, I am trying it out and getting used to things (including its limitations and growing pain lags), but I also just donated to CoSo because I believe in what it stands for and no matter where this goes, it feels good to support. Encouraging you all to donate, too, if you can.
Wish I could welcome you individually, but I’m not that fast. So welcome!
A few tips:
1) Helpful info at @CoSoTips or #cosotips
2) Check out the # list at @realDDGlover ‘s TL
3) Watch the firehose & follow those with like interests. Scroll down to pause the autofeed
4) Joining a new platform can be tough. GIVE IT TIME
5) Missing a fav feature? Play a while w/o it. Some things we’re used to are designed to manipulate us. Still missing it? Might be on the to do list. Ask!
6) Questions? Use #)help
Mueller prosecutor slams Merrick Garland's 'myopic' investigation of Trump's coup plot
Leaving Twitter for greener pastures. Known on the bird app as @Nunya_Bizznizz, then @MsInformation9 -and- @ImDaPumpkinKing.