While this evening brought some shocking and saddening news about the supreme court I would like to say something before I head to bed for the night. I am glad to have come onto CoSo and happy to see how everyone engages within the community. Hold onto those moments where you can make each other smile and keep being supportive. Have a beautiful rest of your evening everyone and Good night! 🦉
One of many "perks" at our favorite campground in Ohio.
After a week or so, I am pretty comfortable on here and now that I have set up lists and can follow accounts I choose in one pinned tab everything is much better
I love how interactive the layout is, there is so much to explore and tweak
Bird was just a page in your face CoSo is an experience
I have just gone #cosopro (PS @th3j35t3r - exchange rates suck)
And lastly the Wall of Entropy
If you take that away from me now I will hunt you down and
Good morning….even though it’s Monday…. 😂
Thought I’d start the week with a 📸 from #Barcelona from a few years ago. This was taken inside the architectural wonder that is the #SagradaFamilia, the only building I have entered that actually makes you say wow out loud. I don’t have the words to do it justice.
I’ll share more pics of it at some point (I took an obscene amount 😂), so hope you enjoy this one for starters 🙂
Have a great Monday 👍🏻
Good morning, CoSo, especially to the early morning #writingcommunity. Make it a great day. Or as good as you can.
Good Morning! A great day begins with self care. How about starting your day with your very own pleasant routine. I’m starting mine by greeting my #CoSoFam and sharing #CoSotips. Have an awesome day and don’t forget to care for yourself often throughout the day. #CoSoMonday #MondayMorning #CoSolove
@th3j35t3r What is the coso network sentiment and how does it work?
Giving this platform a try. Any #cat people out there in the CoSo void? This is my kitty, Samwell. #cats #rescuecat #vitiligo
Bears, Beets...