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This is how you measure the one way speed of light. Something creationists claim is impossible.

The Asteroid That Killed the Dinosaurs Created the Amazon Rain Forest
Fossilized pollen and leaves reveal that the meteorite that caused the extinction of non-avian dinosaurs also reshaped South America’s plant communities to yield the planet’s largest rain forest.

So my neighbour across the lane is getting new gutters and soffit vents. This should be maybe a 2 day job. They are now into 2 weeks. The contractor is a guy who about 15 years ago put in my chain link fence. If I had known Bob was going to hire this guy I would have told him not to. You'd think that someone doing jobs like that would know to use galvanized steel poles not zinc plated. 15 years later I need to sand rust off the poles and coat with rust proofing paint each year.

Big Oil is quietly paying state legal officials to kill climate litigation

Honolulu's climate lawsuit is an existential threat to Big Oil. So they’re buying Republican attorneys general to defend them in court.

26,000 Texas women were forced to give birth to their rapist's children.


Repeating this so Texans will get off their asses and VOTE BLUE.

A new YT channel that fact checks the CPC

Pierre and the Conservative lied 118 time during April 9th's Question Period

Think of this. We have the technology such as Eavor Technologies ( has to tap into this inexhaustible supply of clean energy and never have to use any other form of energy to run everything where there's a power grid. All it takes is the will and money.

As for the money we are well on our way to creating an unlivable environment. Economics dictates we need to do this.

Peter Higgs (Higgs Boson) died yesterday age 95. A loss to the world of science and particle physics.

Deep in the Wyoming badlands lies a small but special stretch of land. dThis dry and desolate place, just over two an a half square kilometres in size, is a well-guarded secret. Even though summer temperatures can climb above 40 C, and dangerous sandstorms can appear without warning, paleontologists from around the world can't wait to visit.

It's called the Jurassic Mile, and it's a treasure trove of fossils from animals and plants that lived here 150 million years ago

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NorthernInvader πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦

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