Other than pesto, what else can I use some fresh basil for? My little plant in a pot on the balcony is turning into a bush

@NorthernInvader @GreenCheese

What a collection!

I would use the plain version. Anything else might mask the perfection of the ingredients.

(Probably wise since I only have the plain anyway)


I used the middle one (black cherry) in a salad dressing in a late late night raid of the fridge) last night. Had an urge for toast and jam, went to the fridge and ignored my craving and instead made a big salad with walnuts, pumpkin seeds, raisins, red pepper, mushrooms, red onion, shredded cheddar, spring greens. Dill dressing with the black raspberry vinegar added. Saved half (no dressing) for breakie today with toasted English Muffing and poached eggs :)


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