@00pi the other side being religiosity? Haven't noticed church goers in any sect being overwhelming moral/non-violent especially in the middle east and America
@NorthernInvader Conservatives, I meant. I have seen, many times, conservatives point to homogeneity, if not whiteness, when waving away the successes of socialist policies in Nordic nations.
@00pi Yes - now I see
@NorthernInvader A third of their population believe in faeries, too.
@AskTheDevil And Elves true, but they don't try to cram it down your throat and get all butt hurt and often violent when you laugh at them.
@NorthernInvader Why get upset? The elves don't care. : )
@AskTheDevil exactly :)
@NorthernInvader I can dig it. OTOH, the other side would point to the ethnic homogeneity.