Everything you ever learned about the Spanish Armada and much else regarding Elizabeth 1 and her era, is likely propaganda.

Lucy Worsley: Royal Myths and Secrets Series 1 Elizabeth I The Warrior Queen (2020)

Dp watch it if you get a chance


@NorthernInvader I hope this is on PBS Passport. If so, I'll watch it there. Looks very good.

@CJShaneArtBooks you might be able to stream it from knowledge.ca but you would need to do it over a VPN so you look like you're coming from a Canadian IP address preferably one from BC

@NorthernInvader I just looked. It's on Passport! I added to my list. Right now I'm watching Broadchurch and trying not to binge. Thanks for posting about this. I'm sure I'll enjoy it. .

@CJShaneArtBooks you will you obviously love history. BTW finished the Letty books a few days ago πŸ™‚

@NorthernInvader I hope you enjoyed the Letty books. The two series that followed Letty (Cat Miranda and Iron Horse) have more romantic subplots which is better for sales. The majority of mystery readers are women, and a lot of women like those romantic subplots - or full-on romance. You know I'm an indie author. If you ever leave reviews. it would help me to get attention for my books. I don't have big bucks for ads.

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