My most recent Tumblr post, "The Irregular Ascetic," is live!
#heathenry #asceticism #Hareday #amblogging #amwriting
I'm doing 100 lbs on bench for the first time! What's more, I'm building my endurance back, and am able to push harder for longer on the elliptical.
I'm dragging my paws on getting back on the treadmill because I'm focusing on injury prevention, and am trying to bank gains that will help me with joint stability and robustness in order to break this cycle of injury I've been on.
Progress on all fronts!
#fitness #gym #workout #motivation #beatyesterday #hashtaglife
Leg day and it was a good day! I'm lifting more in all areas and am at or above 100lbs on most lower body stations, including the hack squat machine. (It feels much safer than the normal free weight squat.)
We're getting it done!
Here's the first page of my upcoming novel, Farthest Star! I was going through my edits and notes the last couple hours and thought... why not share a screen shot of page 1? ^_^
#Studioprey #Amediting #TheWritingLagomorph
Gym stats.
I am getting stronger! I'm getting closer to 100 pounds on bench, as I did 80 lbs today. A little past 100 on dip assist, and pull up assist, and 100lbs on the crunch machine.
I'm going slow and keeping my eyes on the horizon!
When I consider the Autumnal time I think of it as the culmination of the hope of spring, which starts with great joy and grows throughout the summer, leaving us with a great bounty that will take us through the dark and restful season soon to come.
Life is a balance that flows, and that cycle never ends. Gods be praised for all the lessons they have left us in the rhythms of our days.
Good night groovy souls!
I've spent so much time cleaning, I am 3 hours past bed, but the house is feeling so much better. Things are more organized than they've ever been, Im getting into cabinets and drawers, reorganized the kitchen, deep cleaned the carpets...
I've been up about 20 hours though and I am ready to drop.
There is something so cool about a person that's known for Mongolian throat singing in techno singing the runes.
Hail the Ese and the Wen!
Ummet Ozcan- Bifrost
Novelist. Rebecca Mickley on Amazon.
43.Open to DMs. Therian Hare, feral wilderness cryptid aspiring to build a monastic heathen life. Hail Eostre! AMA.