@NiveusLepus Skillfully made choices are excellent. But this life isn't chess and as such there's the trickster of fate who laughs at your 30/60/90 achievement plans.
@MidnightRider A skillfully made choice does not guarantee a result, but it does guarantee that whatever the result, it can be taken as a lesson that, with mindfulness, can lead to better skillful choices.
@NiveusLepus Using accumulated wisdom is usually a good call. I never thought I'd have an investment, one example.
From this mornings journal:
Mindfulness in all things. Practice in all things. I'm understanding that principle more and more. What I do, what I say, I manifest in my life. When I bow and remind myself of the sacred, it becomes more present in my mind. There is no magic in this, I think it is natural. What you pay attention to you begin to notice more.
That I have made it a priority, means I'm paying more attention. Which leads me to cherish what is precious more.