Good morning groovy souls!

Oh I'm feeling stiff this morning, and a bit groggy.

The aches and soreness are all this proof that I've lived, and worked, it's affirming in its way.

The birds are beginning their morning aubade. It is warm enough, and the world is alive with spring.

It's a beautiful day ahead! Happy Woden's Day groovy souls!


@stueytheround Blessed Beltane! Hail unto summer!

We're going to a Beltane celebration this weekend. My Editor in Chief is also a Hellenic priestess.

@NiveusLepus Oh fantastic! Have a great time. Pics please if appropriate. ❤️

@stueytheround I'd be happy too!

She's affiliated with the Church of Fire which is a wiccan org in Pensacola. She's starting a division up here in Virginia.

They just bought their first home, and the grounds will be perfect. I'm so excited for them.

I'll be moving them here in a few weeks. Late May! This will be our last celebration at their townhouse.

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