My current work setup. I borrowed the Monitor from my buddy that just moved in with us in Washington.

For my new work with the law firm, the second monitor has been critical, as I've got my notes on the big display and the video on my mac allowing me to scrutinize and look for detail.

The second I clear some debt and get on an even plane, I think I'll be investing in an Ipad pro for the screen size and display to keep me productive. It's interesting how new work prompts new expense...


THe monitor is nice but it doesn't exactly fit in a backpack. ^_^

Overall, I'm excited about the opportunities here. I'm considering adding another DBA to my business license in Washington as a result of all this.

"Wild Hare Consulting" ^_^

It's a great blessing, as I can finally support myself and my novel writing, while still having time to pursue my novel writing.

So far, my lawyer buddy has told me that my video work has led to one likely dismissal and one acquittal, which feels pretty good!

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