Good morning groovy souls.
I am in motion again. Got a call as I was getting ready for bed, from a friend in tears. They had an emergency and needed help, so bunny go.
Luckily, the person I'm helping seems to be recovering to the point that he'll be ok a day while I get this sorted, and he insisted I go.
"Leave or I'm tossing you out. She needs help more than me right now," I think were his exact words.
Life has been wild lately.
Your offer to come help me, meant everything. Your kindness & generosity of spirit are truly inspiring.
@LnzyHou I know that might sound big or grandiose, but it's a truth. Small actions add up towards big waves of changes.
I do not aspire so much to be seen, I feel sheepish about such things, because my purpose is the work.
All I want to do is to try to make the suffering in the world that much better, because the suffering in the world is fundamentally unnecessary.
So I wander and I work on whats in front of me. Every kind word, and good deed matters, seen or unseen.