@BarelyAwake I think I’m real.. and I’m your friend 🐇❄️
We all think we're real, don't we. We're all part of the One, and only some of each of us is real.
I'm trying to keep it real!
@NiveusLepus it is always interesting to see how other people live. 🙂 You are not likely to see much visual evidence of my life here. Where I share my soul, I don't share my physical world. It is about safety and compartmentalising to maintain said safety.
@Cynanthrope Totally understandable. We all have different levels of comfort with visibility. It was an interesting exercise for me, stepping out of my comfort zone a bit and taking a chance.
@NiveusLepus I am very protective of my career and other resources. There is a lot of paranoia about losing resources that are not easily replaceable in my world.
@Cynanthrope I remember you speaking on this before. The human world can be a scary place, I know. They can be challenging.
@NiveusLepus very true. I rely on them for my survival, hence I can't piss them all off and be okay with it.
Anything at all! Just sharing your day with us is nice.
It makes me feel like a normal person with real friends and stuff.