@NiveusLepus good to see something intelligently written AND not just "hurr hurr look at teh cringe!" If you are going to be critical, please do it sensibly and bring up valid fears. Same goes for all debates you want me to take seriously.
@Cynanthrope Yeah, my first reaction when I see one of these articles is normally... Oh jeeze, here we go again.
This time I was pleasantly surprised.
@Cynanthrope I don't mind having a discussion. I got flaws you got flaws, we all got flaws.
I don't have issues, I have full subscriptions!
So I can handle if people think me a nutter, or want to have a legitimate and sober conversation.
The insults, laughter and meanness I can do without though.
@NiveusLepus I'm the same but I also have the capacity to be fucking brutal back. I'm don't even mention what I am offline, as I want to keep my job and other conveniences.