TW: meaningless vintage car/truck drivel.

While I wait on the 4th tire to get fitted onto the amazingly annoying rims for this thing, figured I'd share a bit about the truck.

1925 IHC Model S Speed Truck. All original other than the wooden bed (which has been rebuilt with mostly original hardware). I've spent the better part of the past year and a half fixing it up. Originally with the help of an amazing mechanic, then on my own.



Oh...and on the tires: they're not clincher tires (shudder) figured they'd be split rims. Turns out there's a VERY brief intermediary period of a solid rim tire that is not a beaded edge. Royal pain to change. If I hadn't found a local shop that knew about it, I would have turned them into split rims.

The local shop is having a hard enough time as it is, so this is likely to be the last tire change it has as a solid rim.

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