TW: meaningless vintage truck chatter.

TODO list is steadily reducing on the IHC (1925 Model S Speed Truck). New tires, tubes, and liners have been ordered and should be in by Wednesday. Vintage/original rim spreader (to help get said tires mounted on the split rim) is in my possession. A friend is on deck to help change out the tires over the weekend (and he happens to make some damn fine whisky to aid in the process).



About the only thing missing/needed is a couple of tire irons to help in the process...which I should be able to get forged down on Friday.

Once the tires are changed out, the only remaining items are:

1. replacing the generator -- I have a new one, but need to swap out the mounting plates and get a good regulator before I know how well it's going to work. Until then, just needs to be plugged in every 12 hours or so to charge the battery.

2. Bringing it back to original Red Baby color.

Lettering isn't correct, but the colors are where she should be headed.

Slightly different model, but if you squint, you can see the proper lettering for a Red Baby.

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