
With the loss of Twitter (as the so-called "public square") to hatred and disinformation, I think it's time we take a different approach to Social Media; we need Multi-Social Media.

Instead of setting up shop on Twitter or Mastodon or YouTube, we should each individually set up shop *everywhere,* and post the same stuff on each platform, and follow the same people on each.

This way, if one platform gets shut down, or it's bought out by a far-right Billionaire, or...(1/)

(2/3) ...any other social disaster, you aren't beholden to that platform. You can up and leave at any time, knowing your followers and content are already "backed up" on other platforms.

This is because, in reality, there's only one source for your content: You. Why limit your stream of content to one platform? Especially now, when we have seen how easily one platform can fail you? Especially when advertisers and brands would never limit themselves in such a way?

(3/3) Put yourself everywhere.

Want to explore the NickWrightData Multi-Social Media? Find me here:

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