I also can't quit or really take a break from Twitter because one of the greatest friends I've made is there, and his posts make me happy. They counteract the negative attention seeker's most of the time. But it's a 50/50 split, so I'm still feeling drained. It's also one of those reasons I spend more time hanging out in friend's Twitch streams.
I'm finding that certain people's energy can suck yours right out if you let it. There's someone on Twitter who tags me way too much in posts, but I can't just block them. It would make me look like an asshole and karma would probably kill my own mental health more than they are draining it. They're also very sensitive, so I can't even ask nicely for them to ease up. The best I can do is like and move on, but they just want constant attention.
@guinnessphil beautiful! I live not too far from southern PA!
@chrisfu yeah, when he was a teenager first getting his license, he got it taken away after hitting a pole. He couldn't get it back unless he paid the fee for repairs, so instead he just mooched rides from people. Probably why he stayed single.
@chrisfu unfortunately, there are guys like that. Gals too. I've known one of the guys. They're rare, but they exist. I myself could never be with someone who doesn't laugh at farts.
Has anyone ever committed awkward revenge? I got messaged yesterday from someone in a discord server I left because it got overrun by kids. Not one of the good people ever contacted me after I left to ask how I was. Then out of the blue, one did, but didn't ask how I was, just that he needed me for something so he could win something. AWKWARD! So I responded sure, then said, "So I guess no one in ____ misses me?" Then he went offline. I've only kept contact with one friend from there.
I can no longer eat corn which sucks, because no one makes reasonably priced flour tortilla chips and I was craving nachos. I discovered that I can get a $2 bag of flour tortillas, cut them up, cook in oil in a pan until golden brown, then sprinkle with salt and they're even better than buying a bag! The crisp is so unique and satisfying and made amazing nachos! I can't seem to upload an image, but I put a spicy cheese dip, guacamole, pico de gailo, black beans and olives on top!
You can like something without liking the creator. Remember that. I like #harrypotter and moreso #fantasticbeasts but #jkrowling is a cold hearted twat.
Level 41 mom, gamer, variety artist, content creator, memer, & Walmart worker here to make friends and focus on mental health.