today I managed to put lights on my banister garland and put it up and map out a design of a christmas scene for on top of my entertainment center in my living room.
yesterday I tackled my second floor christmas and today I cleaned up all the flocking mess. 🤣 this tree is for all of the homemade and kid-like ornaments. I used to put a train around it but Ollie tries to steal the carriages.
#introductions Hey I'm so happy to be here 🇺🇲 and here in #coso. I am currently serving 30 days in FB jail because I was deemed to be inciting. I was not. I fought it as far as I wanted to and then decided a break was warranted. 🌊 through and through. LGBTQ... ally for many years. Mama of a grown women. Grandma of a 16 year old boy (wowza - who knew?? 😂). Happy 34 yr. marriage. Retired. So enough about me. I'm looking for friends and this is first time on the platform. High hopes. #420friendly
Spaulding HS NH Class of 1974
"No it isn't." ~~ Bill Burr