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@Nerdsleaze not receiving the initial summons is "good cause". Also that rule is rarely upheld. It's mostly a threat to keep people from blowing off jury duty summons

@JasonStiff do take care of yourself. 🀞 Finger crossed. Thank you for reminding people to get checked

@Novels56 John Cham had him beat. He invented the modern folding chair in 1855. Nathaniel Alexander had a streamlined piece in 1911. There have technically been folding chairs since about 15tg century b.c.

@stueytheround noooo.... Don't ruin this for him...let him have this. He doesn't need to know of the coming evil

@LiberalLibrarian I've seen this before. Technically they're both wrong. Shelley was 21. Also, Frankenstein is complex. It is equally, if not more so, gothic horror. I can only imagine the slight is unintentionally given, as Wells is used as a purely science fiction author. As for science fiction elements... if we count elements, there are many debatable sources of proto science fiction. Many of them predate Shelley by years, decades, and centuries. I do love Shelley though

@VenomousHeroine I see it, and I've called out my own friends before for acting sketchy (not serious sketch, but more annoying sketch). As a minority, I've seen similar reactions to me from non minorities. So I've always been able to have a rough idea. Although I'll never know the full extent, I always sympathize

@VenomousHeroine to be fair, the religion says to love others as you would love yourself...meaning wear a mask. The guns and anti masking is the politics, antichrist pastors, and self idolizing bigots...

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