@th3j35t3r I'm going to be Miss Unpopular & say something.

~Yes, they're weird (it removes gunk from your nasal passages and that's gross, but sometimes necessary)
~They work! Because of my thyroid med, most cold medicines are supposed to be avoided so i use a (less fancy) version of that, and it does relieve sinus pain/pressure.
~The bonus is there's no side effects like cold meds can give you either. πŸ™‚

@th3j35t3r Aren't you the one always says we should "use the tools"? Neti pots (and that fancy version you posted) are a tool for your noggin. And the balance of salt that's in the water (if you follow the directions that come with it) are balanced so it feels as natural as your tears--NO burning sensation. It's a better version of sitting over a bowl of steamy water & covering your head with a towel. Cross my heart.πŸ™‚


@Christmas_Snow @th3j35t3r unfortunately most western peeps don't buy into it, but I've seen them in use, and know people who swear by it. Basically as long as it's distilled water or clean water, it's great to irrigate the sinuses. Not very popular though, due to oddness and a few people who didn't know how to do it properly

@MrMalignance @th3j35t3r They're awesome, right?! I actually found a video that shows the squeeze bottle (and the one J showed) are better versions than the neti pot that i use (reaches higher into the nasal cavity) so i might get the squeeze bottle one. I will say that the one thing i disagree with in this video is how often to clean it. I do it after EVERY use because cold germs!! 😝 youtube.com/watch?v=dpPAfbPjjc

@Christmas_Snow @th3j35t3r I didn't know the squeeze bottles are better. The people I know, and have seen use it, use the squeeze bottles. As for cleaning, yes. I would imagine cleaning after every use would be ideal

@MrMalignance @th3j35t3r Me either! It said in the video i linked that it's easier to reach the upper sinuses better that way though (i guess because you're squirting it right up there! 🀭). And i cannot imagine not cleaning it after every use. That's just yuck to me!! 😬

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