Religion and atheism are funny. Supposedly contrasting opinions on existence, and yet many adherents will lecture for worshipping/not worshipping. Bottom line is that everyone should chill out and let people believe what they want, as long as no one gets hurt.

Note: not an invitation to debate what's better, just a passing musing. I personally don't care what people worship as long as they're decent human beings

@MrMalignance "as long as they're decent human beings" How would you know what a decent human being is if you don't discuss the human's position in the universe?


@ToeLowq Very true. Although I never exclude discussing one's beliefs in life. I'm ok with that. I'm not ok with frivolous punching down on, or nitpicking people's beliefs. I happen to like most people. I do realize some people happen to hide behind a belief system to cover their horrible behavior

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