@MrGoat @FrankCannon What movie? The link took me to his IMDB home page.
@see_the_sus He dummied up a fake movie poster,the cheeky monkey. @MrGoat
@FrankCannon @MrGoat Oooohhh niiice!! 🤣
@see_the_sus I laughed very hard at it. @MrGoat
LOL @ "It took me to his IMDB home page"
@MrGoat @see_the_sus That was quite a trick.
@FrankCannon Working as intended. Makes people go dig your profile for this movie because they didn't read the tiny text on the poster. <3 @see_the_sus
Plus, more site hits for Frank 👍
win win.
@FrankCannon @see_the_sus
@Faay @MrGoat @see_the_sus I see what he did there.😂
@FrankCannon @Faay @see_the_sus I like to be extra EU and use redundancy in the texts.