this is absolutely not a subtoot...and I hope that's painfully apparent by what imma bout to say...
seein folks join here and ask questions about ratios, harassment, and DM abuse pains my lil marshy heart...
I'm sorry for what has happened to you over're safe now...
we're knitting you a shawl to keep you warm, there's homemade hot cocoa on the kettle, and actual positive interactions awaiting you here...come on in...don't look can't hurt you anymore...
@opie what’s funny is I’m actually knitting a shawl
@KreepyKimSofia @opie I finished the shawl! Now it’s onto a wrap!
@Moxitude @opie I haven't made anything big (only socks, hats, and gloves) though I am working towards trying a top down, short sleeved sweater...