😤I know it’s kids being kids and I know I had more than my fair share of bullying in school… but some little brat told my daughter that she had a stupid name and I am just fuming. #parenting
"kids being kids" "boys will be boys" - age-old excuses made by parents for their kids being little shits because they weren't taught better.
Your daughter didn't deserve that, and we shouldn't think of bullying as "normal" at any age.
@Agatha happened today, my parents would have been able to own the damn district. 😳
(Physical bullying after my first spinal surgery in which two girls literally reopened my surgical site in public school. They sent ME to guidance to learn to toughen up. Moved to private school, learned the word “dyke” in 4th grade because I wore pants instead of the plaid Catholic school girl skirt.)
@Agatha I’ve sent her teacher a message. I emphasized that it’s kind of bad enough that it takes her multiple attempts to teach people her name because no one ever says it right on the first go, unless they are Indian or Nepali. But she shouldn’t be made to feel like it’s “stupid” on top of all that. Stupid is like a bad word in our home. No one calls anyone or themselves stupid here. It’s outlawed along with “ugly” and “fat.” That’s never how we define people.
What those girls did to you was literally criminal, and I'm sorry no one had your back (no pun intended). It's utterly ridiculous. When my parents moved me to Georgia at 16, kids found out I was from San Francisco so I was immediately labeled a lesbian, because to them that was an insult. But yeah, *I* was somehow the problem. 🙄😒
Talking to the teacher is a good idea. Maybe a presentation on the history of her name. Something to be proud of. ❤️