Hospital Panera gets really confused when I order a tea and a baguette because in their system a side order of bread comes up as “extra baguette.” So they give me two.

Not mad about it.


It's been a while but I ordered a pair of boots and a spare pair of boot laces. Shown r the boot laces. Instead of a pair they sent a boot box full of laces. I think there were 34 pair. The boots were in their own box..

Good times.


@KGinKS would you consider that a lifetime supply of laces? I would. You truly got a lifetime supply of boot laces.

@MotherDucker I still have most of the ones I kept.
Gave the rest to local park horticulture people. The day I dropped them off a guy working there asked if he could use one. He was repairing a piece of equipment that needed a new rope for the pull cord. It worked.

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