#TFW you've been working in the same place so long that the guy who was once banned from coming to your unit due to inappropriate conduct with staff members is allowed back again because (checks notes) all the staff who complained are now gone and there is a workforce shortage.
Hi, yeah, I'm still fucking here and he's still fucking creepy. One RN, one APRN, and I are still hanging on and we're still not ok with him.
For me, he got way too zealous about my family. Telling me he was concerned for my soul because I was married to a "heathen." And I should really think carefully about bringing my daughter up in the Hindu faith.
For another co-worker he convinced her to meet him for a Bible study that turned into misogynistic, manic ranting about his wife.
For another, it was condemnation about her divorce from a man who beat her bloody with a newborn baby in her arms.
He can fuck all the way off.