Still working on my goal to live less wastefully. I've already cut out paper napkins (replaced with cloth ones), scaled way back on paper towels (hand sewn kitchen towels), eliminated single-use plastic baggies (Stasher bags) and plastic wrap (bees wrap). What else are you #greener folk doing that I'm not?
#wastefree #gogreen #cosonauts
@TheresaVermont same. I use Grove dish soap in aluminum bottles but it's a bit on the pricey side. I have seen the vegan dish block recommended a lot but not sure if it lives up to the hype. I'm going to Google blueland.
I reuse all bread, bagel bags in lieu of cling wrap.
A roll of bamboo “paper towels” used for napkins, cleaning etc lasts for 6+ months. I wash and air dry when dirty.
Refuse styrofoam cups/carry out containers. Eat only at restaurants that offer recycled to-go products.
Wash/soak off label/recycle any single-use plastic containers in which food is purchased.
Buy food/beverages offered in glass not plastic.
@LnzyHou great recommendations. We have scaled way back on take-out since 2020-- because some of those restaurants get WAY overzealous about packing all your food items in separate containers.
We have exactly 2 that we take out from and the containers they use are recyclable and compostable.
But we usually pack lunches in stainless ecolunchbox or u-konserve.
@MotherDucker I switched to Blueland for dish soap, hand soap, laundry detergent, cleaners. Significantly reduced plastic bottles. I try to avoid buying anything in a plastic bottle.