Does everyone else have that one friend on Goodreads who just fills your timeline with very specific titles that overwhelm you with secondhand embarrassment / make your question everything you know about them...or is it just me?
#CoSoBookLovers #CosoBookClub #BibliophilesOfCoSo #opencarrybooks
@eyrea I hadn't heard of storygraph. Thanks for mentioning it. I'll have to check it out. Maybe I just shouldn't be friends on Goodreads with people I know IRL. Because I've got a cousin and a coworker who are just... Showing a side of themselves I could have lived numerous content lifetimes without knowing.
@MotherDucker I sometimes wonder if I should edit out what my kindle occasionally sends to goodreads but then figure folks have to live with whole booklist
@MotherDucker Not just you and one of the reasons I switched to StoryGraph.