Have you ever hate-read a book? Like you knew it was going to be bad and you just had to see exactly how bad so that later on you could share with someone else just how immeasurably awful it was?
You don't HAVE TO share titles or authors, but if you do I'll enthusiastically enable you. 😈
#CoSoBookLovers #CosoBookClub #BibliophilesOfCoSo #opencarrybooks
@MotherDucker I tried, once, but I couldn't get past the second (?) chapter once I realized it was actually another, previously written book with just the names and locations changed . . . and no research at all into common phrases and identifiers of the culture . . .
@ToriLRidgewood a hate-read classic! My book bestie and I light this up often to anyone who will listen. 😈
@MotherDucker THANK YOU! 😂 I remember when it was popular and someone asked me if I liked it . . . #diatribe
And then . . . when my own titles came out (#shamelessselfpromo), one of my colleagues read my books and told me I was <<une cochonne>> and worse than 50 Shades, which she had actually loved . . . honestly, I kind of took that as a point of pride!