POV: You're reading on a bus, park bench, work break room, waiting room, or some other public space and a random someone says, "Oh what are you reading...what's it about?"
What are your thoughts? How do you respond?
#CoSoBookLovers #CosoBookClub #BibliophilesOfCoSo #opencarrybooks
😂 I'M USING THAT. @stephanherman
I usually respond and tell them my thoughts about the book. I figure if someone is interested enough to ask they may also be a book lover and I could interest them in reading it, too.
I try to too but find it difficult. It's kinda personal.
@bluesbaby @MotherDucker
I used to be a bookseller, which could explain my response vs yours. I completely understand where you're coming from @bluesbaby.
@bluesbaby @bkfiend I'm definitely in both camps. Sometimes I'm all about explaining and recommending if warranted. But at other times... Especially while reading things like this one (pictured.) Somethings I want to boost. Others I just want to educate myself and avoid unsolicited opinions.
@MotherDucker Direct eye contact "These new writers make human sacrifice, SO complicated..."