
My winter indulgence is homemade eggnog. I use a simple recipe but source the highest quality ingredients I can find. Except for the bourbon, it’s wasteful to use good stuff for cocktails.
Farm fresh eggs, whole goats milk, organic heavy whipping cream, fresh grated nutmeg, and Madagascar premium vanilla. A sprinkle of Vietnamese royal cinnamon after pouring. 🥂

@Mort Yum, it has been a while since I made homemade. The recipe I use is best made several weeks in advance. It is good for months due to how much alcohol is in there. 😜 But my yearly tradition is milk punch. Much lighter than eggnog, but a similar taste.

@KBurnett I’m familiar with the aged nog from watching Alton Brown but I’m not that good about planning ahead. Definitely want to try it sometime.

@Mort That is why I haven't made it much as well. I am not usually thinking about eggnog at Halloween. Definitely delicious though when I do remember to make it.

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