I love Spam! 😍
@clancygavin420 awe!!!!!
Belated Happy Birthday ♥️ =^..^= ♥️ =^..^=
@sand2stone 🥰👍
@RunningResister ok! Thanks so much!
CounterSocial is place of sanity, fun and positivity. 💙
It is built on the principle of protecting users from cyber attacks.
Zero tolerance for trolls, bots, ads, harassment, and disinformation.
And it is certainly Not the new twitter.
Please be kind and considerate to others.
@Seanwithaw 👋👋👋 Welcome!
Follower counts do not matter. I'm making progress preening mine to illustrate this point.
You're measured by the quality of your posts, not the number of followers you have. #CoSoTips
@RunningResister how do I get an archive from twitter?
I hear ya!! (-:
@BlueTsunami many ppl here are forgetting that THIS IS NOT TWITTER.
Just followed you 🌸
@misslovelymess WORD!!!!
I’ve witnessed quite a few of them- mean spirited and confrontational to say the least.
I’ve brought them (the specific account) to our creator’s attention, pls feel free to do the same. There’s no excuse for mean spirited rhetoric and behavior. #KindnessMatters 💙#CosoEtiquette
@lovemirlimaco @Nikto
Dear @lovemirlimaco, unlike twitter, you actually have to be kind to everyone here. Why don’t you give it a try. #SelfAwarenessMatters ✌️ Peace!
@WayneEdH Indeed!!! 😂🤣😂
Happy Friday! 🌸
@MarniDarr followed! ✅🌸
@WayneEdH a paper plate has more brain cells than Walker. Just sayin
🍣 Lover🌲Hugger 🔭 AstroNerd 🗳️ Vote
“If you think you’re too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito”.
~ The Dalai Lama