Now that it’s about 60 days post-CrowdStrike’s historic BSOD global calamity, MS has layoffs AND announces they’re going to bring Three Mile Island nuclear power station online to power its data centers.
Are they thinking we don’t remember CrowdStrike? Are they maniacally insane as well as life threateningly greedy?
@IrelandTorin tell me about the half life on the spent fuel rods.
@MookyTroubadour At the end of the day, it's largely irrelevant.
Since the vast majority of the fissile element(s) in a "spent" fuel rod are intact, they can be reprocessed (1970s tech) to produce new fuel - with the fission products separated out + processed to create medically & industrially useful isotopes.
The remainder, the real waste, will be far less than 1% the mass of the original fuel - & can be buried so deep that the only fate it could ever experience is resorption into the mantle.