I just lost all interest in ever joining a Chamber of Commerce again. The US Chamber of Commerce opposed the FTC's ban on non-compete agreements.

I reserve the right to work wherever I want, whenever I want, for whoever I want.

I sign NDAs all the time. In fact, I signed one for a new client today. But no non-competes.



@paxterrarum you’re saying you had a favorable opinion of the Chamber of Commerce prior to this?

Yes, I did. When we lived in Lincoln City, Oregon (pop. 10,000), I was happy to be a member of the local Chamber. Every lunch meeting I was in a room full of clients and potential clients. Almost no one had a full-time in-house IT staff. If they came to a meeting dissatisfied in some way with their current resource: “Oh, look – there’s Bob – maybe he can help me.” Because of that great experience, I’ve thought about joining the Chamber where I am now, and just haven’t gotten around to it.

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