Does anyone know about 3D scanners? I want to ask questions about scaling.
What I’m up to here is I want to add 3D printed metal
Mohawk and blue eyes to this and make a cousin of Geoff Peterson (I miss me some Craigyferg and Grant Imahara). The snag is that I have to measure two constant points like cheekbones or eyes center to then tell my CAD how big it’s supposed to be. There simply must be a better approach.
@MookyTroubadour Perhaps @amarand can direct you. ?
@Anemone @MookyTroubadour @amarand I don’t but I’ll nudge @amarand.
@MookyTroubadour maybe @Brisse can help with 3d scanning questions
@Mauve_matelot @MookyTroubadour I'm useless here... never owned one.
Thanks @Brisse, I am not technically minded at all, I just know you have created some great things and couldn't remember what 3d kit you have.
@Brisse @Mauve_matelot thanks for checking all- you’re a great gang.
As a matter of capturing the query- I have an iPhone with Lidar, and have tried some scanning with it using an app called KIRI and another called Scaniverse. They do an interesting thing, but what I’m finding is that OBJ files have no scale attributes. It’s all polygons or something without reference to how big things are supposed to be (or what the scanned object was), so printing from them is fussy.