Anyone with (Alpha Male) on their username is so obviously fragile they have to try & reassure themselves every single minute, looking for others with the same fragility to bond with & search for some actual genuine feeling that they're obviously missing in their lives.


@RavenCutrereULC you gotta admit though- that business about shining infra-red light on your twig and berries was hilarious. “Okay, ‘Alpha’…”

@MookyTroubadour @RavenCutrereULC Didn't the scientist who came up with the whole alpha wolf things recant some years later? Like the whole notion is kinda BS?

@Razdawg22 @RavenCutrereULC yeah- you remember correctly. It’s not a thing, but don’t tell that to the “alphas”- it’s a fantastically appropriate self-inflicted idiot reveal.

@Razdawg22 @MookyTroubadour I think somewhere along the line, someone, maybe the scientist, claimed "Alpha Male" was indeed a pseudoscientific term.

@RavenCutrereULC @MookyTroubadour Well I am no scientist and I think the whole idea is BS......thank you for coming to my TED Talk....😆

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