Kids today don’t know how to read analog clocks. Third one here who can’t read the clock on the wall. Wow.

@Call_Me_Peppermint_Petty I've seen that firsthand in my high school classrooms. I think it might actually be over 50% who can't. Then again, in this world, do they need to be able to? Might be a bit like knowing how to use a library card catalog.


@bradreed My HS'er has a very hard time with them. They play music in the halls during passing periods, until the final minute. That's when he knows he's gotta MOVE & he uses his phone instead of the wall clock. 😂

@Momma_Bird I’ll bet that’s exactly why they do that—they know many (most?) of their students don’t know how to read the wall clocks.

@bradreed Oh, my. You're an English teacher. My most favoritest teachers in the world. 😉 (I was an English/writing major in college as a direct result of my hs English teacher.) Thanks for all you do for our kids! 😊

@Momma_Bird Thank you! It’s been a challenging few years to be an English teacher, but I’m hanging in there (for now). I appreciate the appreciation!

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