@disk4mat Been a fine day so far, thanks. It was a very nice day here, weather-wise. The local forecasters have been getting it right for the last couple of weeks.

How have you been doing lately?


Been good here cept for our chilly and snowy weather this week.

Glad you had a good day.


@disk4mat Snowy? *smh*

It's already May!


yup friend just in a rural area got a foot of snow last week.
We had less and then rain. We will still get snow til the end of May.

@disk4mat Wow. You can have that shit! I think we only had two or three snow showers total this past Winter. But, not to worry, we have received enough rain this Spring already so we aren't in a drought.


Your area is lucky. We are in a drought situation so appreciate any moisture we get. Gotta get those resavoirs full.

@disk4mat Yes, we are lucky. Lake Michigan will usually shred storms the closer they get to the lake, but some are strong enough to get through, then you might get a seiche or waterspout. Interesting.

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