@MisterE Hello !
@ACG2 Hi ACG2! How's everything going today?
@MisterE My MIL says to keep it in the oven for only 6-7 hours to keep it from tasting too sour. I like it sour so I let it sit all night (and usually make it at night while cooking dinner). One only needs two tablespoons of starter, so if you are buying the plain yogurt, look for a smaller size. Enjoy!
@ACG2 You're putting it in the oven with just the oven light on? What happens when the light hits the mix in the bowl?
@MisterE Yes, just the oven light on all night long; we keep the door shut unless it is summer when it may get too hot. That is just warm enough to cause the yogurt culture to magically create the yogurt.
@ACG2 Thanks.
@MisterE 1. If you have plain yogurt, one can use it as a ‘starter’. 2. Boil as much milk (I use whole, organic) as you want for yogurt. 3. Let cool to barely warm to finger 4. Pour into glass or ceramic bowl that is lined with yogurt ‘starter’ either from previous batch or from store bought plain (never tried with vanilla) as starter. 5. Cover the glass or ceramic bowl and place in oven overnight with the oven light on. 6. The yogurt should be set by morning. 1/2