Review: The series is based on a prophecy from the Egyptian Book of the Dead:
He of the cloth will transform himself.
He will become she, the holy one.
He will become she, the high-priestess of men
#scifibooks #AncientAliens #LGBT
@TeresaMac2011 WTF? Magic doesn't exist
@Mikethewander1 ...also, in the series, my "ancient aliens" continuously try to explain to humans that there is no magic and no Gods, however, humans refuse to accept this. smiles
@TeresaMac2011 The math supports the possibility of aliens to date. However no human to date has come up with s plausible deity to date. So, IF there were a god...
@Mikethewander1 Agreed
@Mikethewander1 Yes, exactly, but this is part of a Review (as you can see in the original post) of my sci-fi genre series, which (as I'm sure you know) is speculative fiction. In the passage repeated in the review, I am using words (translated and reinterpreted) from the ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead, speculates that Anubis was an ancient alien and that he made a prediction based on information obtained from a temporal portal. Smiles...does this make sense? Thank you!