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@GeorgeVotesBlue 100% in agreement! This is how I live my life with no regrets. It even applies in the mundane moments driving around in traffic, letting cars in the line when it costs nothing to be kind.

Point Reyes Station, once land belonging to the Coast Miwok, is a major peninsula sticking out into the Pacific Ocean. Besides the historic lighthouse, it is known for agriculture, foodies, artists, writers, beauty, etc. It is part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. The GGNRA is approximately 82,116 acres. This photo is from a private ranch.

@TybeeMedia I wish I still had mine. I am just glad I left before the violence began. I would not have believed what Mother Nature could deliver if I had not experienced it firsthand.

Led Zeppelin in Tampa, FL on June 3, 1977. Surreal beyond words! I was there as a teenager.

Hi CoSo. In my short time here, I really appreciate the positive vibes. It reminds me of the benefits I receive from being involved in Rotary International. I chartered a local club. In Rotary, we park a lot of potentially divisive things at the door (politics, religion, etc.) to focus on what we can accomplish together to improve the lives of others. It works. No one is perfect, just doing their best to live by the four way test.

Here is a beautiful spot in Marin County. This is Mount Tamalpais (called the Sleeping Lady). The peak is 2,571 feet and has a fire lookout.

@WILDKATZ Impressive! I am not good at fishing, not because I don’t enjoy the eating. I always let them go. As a result, I buy fish instead.

@sazemisery Indeed! I have other reflection photos that are somewhat bizarre in appearance. I hesitate to post them for this reason. Thank you for sharing!

Muir Woods National Monument in Marin County. These 558 acres are part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, north of San Francisco. It preserves one of the last local and ancient redwood forests.

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Michelle Clein

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