Partisan pro-Trump propaganda by corrupt New York Times triggers backlash against hidden media agendas and fake "bothsidesism" in face of fascist danger;

Bob Pecker of catch and kill infamy and New York Times boss A.G. "Dash" Sulzberger need a modern Plutarch to do justice to their parallel lives;

Most pundits dodge underlying issue: Times is the Pravda of Wall Street, which hates Biden for his proposed 25% alternative minimum tax on billionaires and 28% corporate income tax, rolling back Trump's $2 trillion December 2017 tax bonanza for parasites and predators;

Biden campaign counts 30 articles attacking President for senility as against just 1 article discussing Biden's successful economic program; If Sulzberger really wants a lengthy sit-down interview with Biden so much, he should publish 30 articles on the stunning success of Bidenomics, 30 essays on Trump's growing mental impairment, and 30 comparisons of Trump's raving speeches with the rhetoric of Mussolini and Hitler to redress many months of cynical deception;


The last straw: Latest New York Times-Siena poll insults public with grotesque falsifications of presidential contest in battleground states; MSNBC's Scarborough condemns latest survey as "garbage"; Competent experts criticize and mock this poll's distorted portrayal of contest in Nevada (Trump ahead by 12%!)

and 10% Trump lead in Georgia ("exaggerated"); 50% discrepancy in youth vote between Michigan and neighboring Wisconsin; and counting "Likely Voters" who have never registered or voted, but who break overwhelmingly for Benedict Donald;

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