Biden pulls ahead of Orange Tyrant, with serious polls now giving President a 4% to 5% lead!

And this is a pale shadow of his actual advantage; Dem Rep. Kennedy holds seat in Buffalo-Niagara special election, continuing party's skein of one key win per month in 2024; 22% of Indiana Republicans refuse to vote for Trump, likely dooming his base turnout strategy;

Accurately reflecting American opinion, Biden denies war criminal Netanyahu 2,000 lb. bombs to attack civilians in Gaza, where Hamas terrorist controllers are legitimate targets, but ordinary Palestinians are not; Fascist Ben Gvir defames Biden as darling of Hamas, but keeps his job in Bibi cabinet;

A Berlin airlift for our time: US dock-pier-causeway for Gaza maritime corridor nears completion, despite 2 bouts of Hamas mortar fire, with 2 million meals per day expected just as IDF shuts down Raffa crossing; US parachute airdrops continue past 1,200 tons of food despite Hamas demands they cease; Nihilistic detractors have often done absolutely nothing to save Palestinian lives; State Department accuses Hamas of stealing aid;


Pro-Hamas college camps, mercilessly hyped by corrupt anti-Biden media, may be latest form of decadent radical chic for pampered golden youth, Axios poll of 1,250 US college students suggests: only 8% have protested either way, and only 13% see the Gaza conflict as their top issue, with this coming in last among 9 issues; 34% blame Hamas, while

19% blame Netanyahu, 12% blame the Israeli people and 12% blame Biden--meaning that Putin, Xi, Trump and Netanyahu will have to find another demagogic ploy to weaken Biden in November!

Mayor of Dearborn and assorted confused agitators should consider moving their protest away from the August Democratic Convention in Chicago to the mid-July Republican convention in Milwaukee, since it is the Trump MAGA GOP that demands Gestapo roundups of 11-16 million undocumented Americans or those with immigrant backrounds, followed by concentration camps and the largest mass deportations in recent world history, with Arabs and Muslims as priority targets;

Arab Americans should consider that if Trump retakes the White House, he will help Netanyahu to realize his lifelong dream of a nuclear attack on Iran, leading to a war that will make current hostilities look like a picnic;

Arab Americans should consider that if Trump retakes the White House, he will help Netanyahu to realize his lifelong dream of a nuclear attack on Iran, leading to a war that will make current hostilities look like a picnic;

Palestinian and other Arab Americans are disoriented by the operations of the Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan), which served as a British terrorist countergang against Egypt's Nasser; the Brotherhood is the mother ship of Hamas, which does not represent Palestinian interests; Boycott-Divest-Sanction functions as the policy think tank, and Students for Justice in Palestine, who impose

the programatically and tactically bankrupt model of tent camps and divestiture, when ending the war is infinitely more urgent; Brotherhood tried to subject Egypt to the Morsi dictatorship, but suffered their greatest defeat in almost a century, forcing them to take refuge in other countries, including ironically the US;

BDS-SJP have contended for campus ideological hegemony at Columbia an other elite campuses thanks to the dominance of postmodernist quackademics, whose anti-western, anti-American, anti-modern, irrationalist, and obscurantist belief structure largely meshes with that of the Brotherhood; postmodernist administrators and professors have embraced cynical nihilism and the negation of truth, reality, morality, and the general welfare, and so can offer no meaningful opposition to Hamas;

Putin's fifth inaugural promises "hardships"; Russians attempt a local offensive southward on Belgorod-Kharkiv axis, likely a diversion from expected May human wave offensive with 50,000 raw recruits; Moscow issues threats of nuclear attack against Great Britain; Plot to kill Zelensky stopped; Ukraine, Lithuania, France defy Kremlin bandits;

RFK Jr. announces that a parasitical worm ate part of his brain and then expired; Given his 14 years of heroin addiction, how can he be fit for the presidency?

Are Supremes prepping for a post-Trump oligarchical dictatorship as a Council of Nine modeled on the infamous Venetian Council of Ten (c. 1310-1797), a murderous inquisitorial intelligence agency with a vast army of informers, spies and assassins that meted out lightning fast secret death sentences even to Doges and top patricians?


All you have to be to be eligible to run for President is at least 35 years old and a "native-born" citizen.

There's no bar to being a smack-shooting junkie with worms in your brain.

@mcfate @MichaelTalon Used to be you had to at least act serious about running for office. Since 2016 it's been a clown show. Drumpf blazed the trail with his middle-school debate style. Now the WA GOP is running two people for governor whose sole qualification is having the same name as the leading Democrat candidate.

It's not like I don't expect shenanigans, but running decoy candidates is a bit much. It shows how bankrupt the GOP is ideologically and morally.


And if retakes the White House, he'll invite his best friend, Putin to the Inauguration and give him his blessing to take Ukraine & any other country bc the US doesn't need them.

The US millionaires & billionaires will be busy buying up any countries they're interested in bc promises the biggest tax cut* in history for them.

* eliminating social security, medicare, school lunch & all those wasteful programs that the govt shouldn't sponsor.

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