US campus protests against Gaza war fail to make headway for peace, opting instead for sterile Boycott-Divest-Sanction sectarianism inspired by Muslim Brotherhood, the controllers of Hamas;
Campus movement fails to gain traction, with limited participation on some 50 campuses, falling far short of May 1970 Cambodia-Kent State upsurge, which mobilized almost 900 campuses;

Current agitation also weakened by slavish imitation of failed anarchist tactics of 2011 Occupy Wall Street, which had extensive support but no demands, no leaders, and no concrete achievements;
Tent camps and building seizures are ideal pretexts for red state police and National Guard repression, which today is the leading edge of the ongoing MAGA fascist power grab;

Stupid and dishonest demagogy about "Genocide Joe" on eve of presidential election is one-way ticket to fascist dictatorship in US; Democratic Party can win back disaffected and disoriented youth with an inspired crusade against fascism in 2024;
Learn this lesson: protests at the 1968 Chicago Democratic National Convention objectively prolonged Vietnam War by four years by giving White House to Nixon and Kissinger;

Draft program to resolve crisis:
1. Immediate and total cease-fire and armistice in place by all parties to conflict. Stop the fighting, stop the killing. Armed Israeli settlers must halt their aggressive activity under international penalties. All hostages must be freed immediately by Hamas.

2. End the humanitarian crisis by maximizing deliveries of food, water, medicine, fuel, and other necessities into Gaza by all available means and channels by land, by sea, and by air in cooperation with all good will donor nations. Stop the famine. Prevent new pandemics.

3. The International Criminal Court must issue arrest warrants for Netanyahu, Gallant, Katz, Smotrich, and Ben Gvir, plus Haniyeh and Sinwar of Hamas.

3. The International Criminal Court must issue arrest warrants for Netanyahu, Gallant, Katz, Smotrich, and Ben Gvir, plus Haniyeh and Sinwar of Hamas.

4. Implement a permanent two-state solution with a sovereign Palestinian state in Gaza, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem under unitary government by the internationally recognized Palestinian Authority (PLO).

5. Elections should be held in Israel to form a new government.
6. Institute a Marshall Plan for the reconstruction, modernization, and economic development of bombed-out Gaza, financed by Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Cooperation Council states.


7. No support for the Trump-Netanyahu axis. Trump imposed the Muslim travel ban of early 2017, and it is certain that Trump is the most direct threat to Palestinian and Arab Americans, as seen in his 2025 plans for immigrant roundups, large concentration camps, and 11 million deportations, with Arabs and Muslims always the priority targets.

US-UK making progress towards dock-pier-causeway to open maritime corridor into Gaza capable of delivering 2 million meals per day; Parachute airdrops by 9 countries have brought some 1,200 tons of food into north Gaza, despite condemnation by Hamas.
A strategy that is so blinded by hatred of Biden as to enable Netanyahu's hopes for a second Trump presidency is self-destructive and suicidal, and plays into the hands of Russian, Chinese, Iranian, and other totalitarian manipulation.

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