Happy Saturday Y'all...
Good your day is what you need it to be...
Want to recommend an online used book seller... No not that one...
Abe Books... I originally found them when I was looking for a book that was out of print for my father...
They're an online database basically of books on hundreds of small book sellers across the country...
From someone here last night I heard about the Books of Magic series from Gaiman... Looked on Azn and couldn't afford them there $50-70 per...
I thought Amazon bought Abe Books.
@CJLavoie @MerionFriends
Ah... Well... Had no clue....
They didn't buy all the little guys that it points you to... So if they can keep the database alive... I'm OK with it..
Thanks for the check...
I only just found out last fall. Have been buying from them for a long time.
@MerionFriends @InvaderGzim
Yes, Amazon bought Abe Books in 2008, according to Wikipedia.