
Donald Trump’s 'Major Announcement' may just be the single most humiliating and cringy thing of all time. And the more you dig, the worse it gets:

@MeidasTouch I honestly can’t believe it’s real. Waiting for the “April Fool!” 🤡🤡🤡

@JulieBrethauer @MeidasTouch I have a rule of not watching that man or listening. No matter what. Your comment made me break that rule. 🤦 🤡 🤦 🤡
Looking forward to '23, as that is the year everything should slam shut on him, indictments, etc. Almost all the i's and t's are dotted and crossed now. Watergate took nearly three years, so '23 should be the year! (Some predictions I've read have been April '23 flood gates really open, we're seeing the trickle now.) What a dangerous 🤡

@MeidasTouch I doubt TFG has a clue how utterly embarrassing he is.

@MeidasTouch Ben. You are non stop on breaking Trump BS. Your expressions are so cute as you try and be anchorman to the Trump madness. Keep it up!

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